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Cataracts - What You Need To Know

Have you ever wondered if you have cataracts? Cataracts are very common and gradually form over time, either in one eye or both, meaning some people may not even realise they have cataracts forming.

You may be driving and assume you are having trouble seeing because of other vehicles headlights, or you could be reading at home and think the lights aren’t bright enough. This is why regular Sight Tests are so important.


Risk Factors


There are a number of factors which could leave a person at heightened risk of developing cataracts:

  1. Age – One of the most common factors that can lead to cataracts is age. Over a period of time, your eyes begin to deteriorate and common conditions and/ or medications can mean the eye is unable to restore any loss of lens quality.

  2. Smoking – Regularly smoking can cause oxidation of the eye lens, which allows for a build up of proteins (cataracts).

  3. Trauma – Injury to the eye can cause thickness of the lens, causing inflammation and cloudiness within the eye.

  4. Genes – Genes can play a big role in developing cataracts. If family members have suffered from this condition, there is a high chance you may develop the condition.




Thankfully, in most cases, cataracts can be removed with a short operation – Cataract Surgery.

When speaking about cataract surgery with an eye care professional, it can be helpful to think BRAIN:

What are the Benefits, Risks and Alternatives? What do want? What if I choose to do Nothing?

By getting answers to these questions, you will gain a better understanding of your condition and the options you have when discussing treatments and recovery.

If you would think you may have cataracts, please feel free to give us a call and book a sight test. We will be more than happy to support you further.

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